to Your World
When the world is understood through language, how do you make yourself heard to a million localised dialects?
By walking in their shoes and speaking in their tongue. The Translation Guru walks every one of the million miles for you.
Our team of native language speakers binds city with city, even if they are oceans apart. Let the experts speak to your world!

Language x Anthropology
Our Services
Mine What's Yours!
Content isn’t easy to come by. It is the culmination of raw ideas honed through communication skills, both of which take time to cultivate.
Imagine your best performing content from Europe being circulated in the Middle East. That’s a hard sell - but one that we can make easy for you through global messages that have a localized soul. Extract higher engagement, conversion rates, and revenue from your tried and tested content.

7000 living languages
After Babylon, our tongues have diverged. After Translation Guru, we shall flow as one. We believe in connecting the various cultures contained within us all and extending the reach of businesses. Every entrepreneur wants to change the world, but no entrepreneur can communicate with the entire world. That’s where our vast catalog of language services changes the game.

9 languages don’t have words for colour
Who are Our Translators
Mother-Tongue Knows Best
Native language speakers possess expertise on a level that imbibes confidence to transliterate and adapt your content into a hard-hitting message dressed in local garb and a relatable persona.
Our network of native language speakers across the world are culturally up-to-date and skilled in content creation. The tasks of translation and transcreation are as natural as breathing to these bilingual and bicultural creators who internalise the meaning conveyed in the source language. The language which is inherited runs deeper than a language which is learned; and your content is in the best hands.

Every second person is bilingual
Why The Translation Guru
The Translation Guru difference is simply in our transcreational mindset.
Translation based on the message and medium rather than language in isolation makes us more impactful than the rest. This organic absorption of meaning can occur only through native language speakers who compose the entirety of our roster of translators.
Quality? Or Quantity? Enjoy both with Translation Guru’s impeccable services delivered on-time! And, we are economical too.
As a part of JR Services, our network is composed of an industry-leading array of minds with a new direction that leads us to you. And you can always find us right where you left off, deep in thought and available 24 hours for support.

Over 800 languages are spoken in
Papua New Guinea
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